Saturday, August 27, 2011

Well, hello there!

Hello all (I'm not sure who I'm addressing here, since this is the first post, and we haven't told anyone about this blog, but hello, all the same)!

We registered this blog months ago with the intent of sharing photos and experiences of our culinary exploits out and about as well as at home.  And then, we didn't.  So today I was scanning over some of my favorite blogs and decided "Dangit! I'm posting something TODAY!"  So here I am.

And who am I?  I am Shelley.  Classically trained chef, not working in the business but using my "skills" to cook meals for my wife (Chris) and our friends and the occasional party or wedding cake.  I work in the start up industry in San Francisco now and am loving exploring all the culinary offerings that the San Francisco area has to offer.

Chris is not a chef, but is way more creative than me and also loves to cook, and I am going to let her write her own introduction. =)

Long story short, take one chef and one creative thinker, drop them in the center of one of the country's great culinary playgrounds and see what they can come up with.

We cook at home a LOT, are learning about brewing our own beer and are also having a great time exploring the local flavor of the farmers markets, restaurants, bakeries, breweries, dairies, wineries and all the other "ies" we come across on our exploits.

We decided to create this blog so that we could share all these great places and experiences with other foodies like us, and also just to have a little fun with it.   I don't know that we have a static idea of what this blog will "look like" but in my head I figure it's going to be a mash of restaurant "reviews", stories of adventures (and catastrophies!) we've had making things at home, pictures of food (because who doesn't love pictures of food??) and pictures of places we've gone on our quests for food and drink.

I think that sharing ideas, inspirations and stories with other culinary centric folks is one of the best things that these types of blogs has to offer, so bring em on!


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