Monday, September 5, 2011

Trip to the Central Coast and Los Angeles

Chris and I just got back from a four day trip to the Central CA Coast and Los Angeles.  It was nice, we went to some of the places we loved to eat when we lived in L.A.  We drank a LOT of beer.

We got kind of a later start than intended on Thursday, didn't leave Oakland until about 11AM.  We decided instead of trying to get to Solvang before the tasting rooms closed we would stop in San Luis Obispo and visit Central Coast Brewing instead.  They have a really cool truck parked outside the brewhouse right now!  It says "Tactical Thirst Response Unit" and it has four taps in the side...I wonder if I could rent this for my birthday?

I got a pint of their Doppelbock and sat on the patio enjoying the beautiful Central Coast weather.

From San Luis Obispo we went to Pismo Beach. The idea was to go to Hot Lix, Chris wanted a caramel apple rolled in meal worms, but they didn't have them.  We did get some chocolate covered crickets, and Chris got a scorpion. Those pics are on her phone, I will add them later.

We also stopped at the Splash Cafe to eat.  The clam chowder was AMAZING, I cannot imagine what the ratio of cream was in that soup, and I did not have one sandy clam, which always makes me happy.  I am iffy at best on clams most of the time, sandy clams just slay me.  And all the veggies in the soup were perfectly cooked, impressive considering that with the volume this place sells they must have huge bain marie's of soup in the kitchen.  I got scallops and chips, Chris got a mixed platter, it had fish, calamari and maybe shrimp?  

From Pismo we went on to Buellton, where we were staying the night.  After we got checked in to our hotel we drove over to the Firestone Walker taproom, because we clearly needed more beer.  I was delighted to find they had their seasonal "Solace" on tap, so I got that.  Chris got a taster because you get a pint glass to take home if you buy a taster and I broke one of ours the other day. 

Friday morning we took advantage of our hotels free breakfast (no pics, it wasn't very exciting) and then hit the road to Los Angeles.  Long Beach, to be exact.  We bounced around Los Angeles on Friday...Chris got a haircut, we grabbed some shawerma (we were so hungry we forgot to take pics!), then drove to Long Beach and checked in to our hotel.  Friday night we had tickets to see a concert at The Hollywood Bowl and we stopped at Philippe's for my FAVORITE french dip sandwiches.  If you have never been to Philippe's you MUST go next time you are in Los Angeles. The experience alone is worth it.  

You stand in line (sometimes a LONG line, I have waited an hour for a sandwich here) to place your order with one of "The Ladies" who stand behind a huge counter full of amazing looking goodies.  Potato salad, macaroni salad, pickled eggs, scratch made pies,'s a little overwhelming if you aren't used to it.  They get you your food and you pay, then you take your tray to one of the long family style tables in the big dining area, sawdust on the floor...and you dig in.  Don't forget to add a little of the house made spicy mustard to your sandwich, but JUST A LITTLE, it's REALLY hot.

This is my double dipped beef sandwich, Chris got one with bleu cheese and we shared halves.

Saturday morning we slept pretty late (for us) so we skipped breakfast and headed to Huntington Beach.  I had picked up a Groupon for a place called Rockin' Crepes.  It had good reviews and the concept seemed fun.  It was...OK.  I love the concept, but I think they have some severe issues with execution.  

The restaurant itself is funky and fun.  Skulls and flames painted on the walls, guitars and album artwork, a good rock selection in the juke box, music loud enough to be rockin' but not loud enough to be obnoxious, our table was painted to look like a Ouija board.   However, the waitresses shoes were obviously sticking to the floor right inside the kitchen, which annoys me right off, mop your damn floor.  Our Ouija board table wasn't designed to be used in a restaurant and the constant wet wiping had made the finish start to weep a little, so it was clean, but slightly tacky to the touch.  They don't appear to have an actual chef/cook, rather the waitstaff does some of the prep and someone who I would guess to be one of the owners wives does the rest, all the while speaking to the staff very poorly.

We got a crepe with chicken, brie, mushrooms and green onions.  The flavors were great together but overall it left a lot to be desired.  The crepe was really thick and I think overcooked.  It had a ton of plain, boiled, shredded, unseasoned chicken in it and a good hanful of green onions, but very little brie or mushrooms.  They could have gotten away with the chicken had it contained more of the other more flavorful items, but, it didn't.

We also ordered a fondue of cheddar cheese with red wine.  Great flavors, but, again, horrible execution.  I am pretty sure our waitress took a pre-portioned pack of fondue ingredients, heated it up in the microwave, stirred it and tossed it into an electric fondue pot.  It was grainy and thanks to the huge fondue pot it was served in, it just kept evaporating and getting grainier and grainier.  They did serve it with some fun came with apples, bread, pretzels, sliced pepperoni and cheese puffs.

All in all, it was fun to do once, but I won't go back, which is going to be what causes them to go under, eventually, I think.  The wait staff was decent...a young girl and a younger guy who were the only personable people there.  The woman working the cooking area spoke to the staff terribly and didn't seem to have a very good handle on her organization.  There were also two or three middle aged dudes who I assume are some manner of owner/manager types and wandered around the restaurant not helping with anything and not speaking to any of their customers, not a very good impression.

From there we went to Seal Beach and walked along the main street and the good food or drink photos since we didn't eat anything there and we only stopped briefly for an overprice beer in a touristy pub, lovely way to spend the afternoon though.

Saturday night we went to see a movie at the Hollywood Forever cemetery.  A pretty cool experience, everyone sits on blankets on the lawn and they encourage you to bring a picnic, which we did. =)  Beer, cheese, crackers, sliced meat, olives, salads.  We didn't come close to finishing it all, but it was good!

Sunday morning we got up and met Chris's dad for a dim sum brunch, which I totally spaced out on taking pics of.  We went to Empress Pavilion, which is (in my book) the best dim sum place in L.A.  Very much the quintessential dim sum experience, the women with carts laden with little trays and steam pots of food, the vested waiters running around bringing pots of tea, the cards on the corner of the tables which the serving ladies stamp with everything your table has consumed.  If you have never been out for dim sum, I highly recommend it.

I did find something fun in a shop window walking back to the car that, so here is a pic of that in place of dim sum.

Everyone needs Hello Kitty pots!

I also took some pics that weren't is the Pismo Beach pier and a crazy heron we found perched at the end watching all the people.

 This is how a heron scratches the top of it's head....who knew??

And these are the pics I took in Seal Beach....

The Hollywood Bowl....

I know, you can't tell, but this is The B-52's and their psychedelic stage lighting.

And this is Teri Nunn and Berlin...

This is looking down from our seats before the show started....

This is the cemetery before the sun set and the movie started...that big white wall is where they project the film.


We made trail mix!

So...our Whole Foods has this great "Mix Your Own Trail Mix" bar.  For $5.99/lb you can make you own blend of a couple dozen or so options that they have...dried fruit, nuts, candies etc.  We LOVE it.  Then we were at the Berkeley Bowl one day and noticed that they have pretty much everything that we usually put into our trail mix at Whole their bulk bins...for WAY less than $5.99/lb.

So, we made our own.  And everything is organic, except the pre-packaged candy.  Ours has...
- Miniature Reeses cups
- Dried banana chips
- Dried cranberries
- Dried pineapple chunks
- Honey nut granola
- Butter toffee peanuts
- Roasted, salted almonds
- Roasted, salted sunflower seeds
- Roasted, salted soy buts
- Coconut flake

Here is all the stuff in the bags we brought it home from the store cost us less than $35.00 and we got about 9# of stuff here (about $3.80/lb, rather than $5.99).

We took all the stuff and dumped it into a big bin (we started out in our biggest bowl, everything JUST fit in it but we couldn't mix it up, so we dumped it into the bin).

It made a LOT.  The trail mix in the bowls we had to pull aside because we accidentally filled two of the little containers without making sure they were dry first.  If we had dumped that trail mix back into the big container I think it would have been pretty much full.  The little containers are perfect for grabbing in the morning and taking to work to snack on throughout the day.  We actually made this a full week ago and the big container is still more than half full.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cleaning out the fridge?

So...we are going out of town for the weekend next week, which means, of course, that I need to clean out all the bits of things that are left over in our fridge.

Well, I made red velvet cupcakes for our landlady last week and I have about a cup or so of cream cheese frosting left over in the fridge.  What does one do when one has cream cheese frosting to use up?  As tempted as I was to grab a spoon and plunk down on the couch (I MIGHT have a problem when it comes to cream cheese frosting?) I decided to make a small batch of cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's breakfast instead.

Here they are after the dough has risen once, been smeared with butter and the sugar/cinnamon mixture, and been rolled up and sliced into the rolls.

I meant to take pics of all the steps, but I forgot, so I didn't.  I WILL take more pics from here forward, however.

I can't wait until tomorrow morning!

<Update 10:00PM>

More photos, (well, photo) as they are after four and a half hours in the fridge, they've "poofed" quite nicely, I think.  Going to leave them in there overnight then let warm up on the counter in the morning before I bake them.

That's cornbread over there on the right...more action in the fridge clean out quest (and a pre-made extra for us to eat over the next few days).

<Update a week later, to upload the rest of the pics>

Here's what they looked like after a night in the fridge and a couple hours on the counter, all ready to go into the oven.

Fresh out of the oven and with a first coat of yummy smelling in the house!

Don't forget to take them out of the pan while they are still warm, otherwise the melted sugar will harden and this happens when you try to take them out. =(

On a plate once they have cooled for a while and had the second "coat" of frosting, ready to eat!

Breakfast of champions, a cup of good coffee and a homemade cinnamon roll.


Well, hello there!

Hello all (I'm not sure who I'm addressing here, since this is the first post, and we haven't told anyone about this blog, but hello, all the same)!

We registered this blog months ago with the intent of sharing photos and experiences of our culinary exploits out and about as well as at home.  And then, we didn't.  So today I was scanning over some of my favorite blogs and decided "Dangit! I'm posting something TODAY!"  So here I am.

And who am I?  I am Shelley.  Classically trained chef, not working in the business but using my "skills" to cook meals for my wife (Chris) and our friends and the occasional party or wedding cake.  I work in the start up industry in San Francisco now and am loving exploring all the culinary offerings that the San Francisco area has to offer.

Chris is not a chef, but is way more creative than me and also loves to cook, and I am going to let her write her own introduction. =)

Long story short, take one chef and one creative thinker, drop them in the center of one of the country's great culinary playgrounds and see what they can come up with.

We cook at home a LOT, are learning about brewing our own beer and are also having a great time exploring the local flavor of the farmers markets, restaurants, bakeries, breweries, dairies, wineries and all the other "ies" we come across on our exploits.

We decided to create this blog so that we could share all these great places and experiences with other foodies like us, and also just to have a little fun with it.   I don't know that we have a static idea of what this blog will "look like" but in my head I figure it's going to be a mash of restaurant "reviews", stories of adventures (and catastrophies!) we've had making things at home, pictures of food (because who doesn't love pictures of food??) and pictures of places we've gone on our quests for food and drink.

I think that sharing ideas, inspirations and stories with other culinary centric folks is one of the best things that these types of blogs has to offer, so bring em on!
